Charting Our Course: A Tailored Strategic Management Methodology

This chapter explores the strategic management methodology specifically designed for the University of Duhok (UOD).  As we embark on this crucial journey, we recognize that a "one-size-fits-all" approach might not yield optimal results.  For this reason, UOD has developed a unique methodology that considers our distinct organizational culture and current standing.

A Framework Built for UOD

Through a comprehensive review of strategic planning and management practices across various universities globally, we discovered a valuable lesson:  adopting pre-defined models can sometimes lead to less-than-ideal outcomes.  Our tailored approach bridges this gap by ensuring the strategic planning process aligns seamlessly with UOD's specific context and aspirations.  This fosters a more relevant and effective strategic management framework that propels us towards achieving our long-term goals.

The UOD Strategic Planning Model in Detail

UOD's strategic planning journey commences with the development of a bespoke model, guiding our efforts for the next 15 years.  This model is meticulously crafted, drawing upon insights from the university's rich history and strategically linking them with current practices and the prevailing culture of strategic planning within UOD.

Why We Don't Follow the Crowd

A thorough examination of comparable models employed by universities worldwide reveals significant discrepancies between their approaches and ours.  These differences stem from the unique contextual factors that influence UOD's strategic landscape.  By acknowledging these distinctions, we can develop a methodology that is not only effective, but also specifically tailored to address UOD's needs and aspirations.

Delving Deeper

The in-depth exploration of UOD's tailored strategic management methodology, along with detailed explanations of its various components, is currently accessible only to the University's academic community.  To access this exclusive content, please log in using your official UOD email account.

We encourage you to explore the remaining public chapters of this guidebook to gain a comprehensive understanding of UOD's strategic planning process.

CHAPTER 3: The Suggested Strategic Management Methodology