The Cornerstones of U0D's Strategic Plan:
Vision, Mission, and Values

This chapter provides insight into the core principles that shape the University of Duhok's strategic direction: our vision, mission, and values.  As a public institution, U0D's growth and success are deeply intertwined with the aspirations of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

Alignment with Regional Priorities

The KRG's emphasis on educational excellence, digital governance, and sustainable development establishes the foundation for U0D's strategic alignment.  By synchronizing our goals with the KRG's vision, we aim to make a significant contribution to the region's progress and prosperity.

Our Guiding Pillars

Drawing upon the KRG's strategy and U0D's own ambitions, our strategic vision rests upon the following pillars:

These strategic pillars serve as the bedrock of U0D's vision and guide our endeavours towards achieving our long-term goals.

In the following sections of this chapter, we will explore each of these pillars in greater detail, delving deeper into their significance and how they shape U0D's mission and values.

Detailed Explorations

For a deeper dive into each of these pillars and their significance in shaping U0D's mission and values, please refer to the dedicated sections within this chapter.  These detailed sections are currently accessible only to the University's academic community via their official U0D email account.

We encourage you to explore the remaining public chapters of this guidebook to gain a comprehensive understanding of U0D's strategic planning process.

CHAPTER 2: Defining UoD's vision, Mission, and Values