VIEWS: Your Voice Matters in Shaping UOD's Future

The University of Duhok (UOD) is committed to fostering a collaborative environment where all voices are heard. The VIEWS platform serves as a bridge between the UOD community and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC).  Here, you can share your valuable insights and feedback on various aspects of the university's strategic plan.

Share Your Views

We encourage you to actively participate by sharing your perspectives on the following:

Providing Feedback

Constructive feedback is crucial for refining and strengthening the strategic plan.  Please feel free to share your feedback on the following:

How to Share Your Views

We offer several convenient ways to share your voice:

Contact Us

For any inquiries related to the VIEWS platform or the strategic planning process in general, please don't hesitate to contact us through the following methods:

Together, we can shape a brighter future for the University of Duhok.  Share your voice today!


What is the purpose of the University of Duhok's Strategic Plan?

The University of Duhok's Strategic Plan outlines a clear roadmap for the university's future development. It defines our long-term vision, establishes key strategic goals, and details actionable initiatives to achieve them. This plan serves as a guiding document, ensuring all our efforts are aligned towards achieving academic excellence, innovation, and sustainable development.

What are the benefits of a Strategic Plan for UOD?

A well-defined Strategic Plan offers several benefits for UOD:

Who is involved in the Strategic Planning process?

The Strategic Planning process at UOD is a collaborative effort involving a broad spectrum of stakeholders.  This includes the Steering Committee, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other university units.  Their diverse perspectives are crucial for developing a comprehensive and effective plan.

Who can participate in the VIEWS platform?

The VIEWS platform is open to all members of the UOD community, including faculty, staff, students, alumni, and stakeholders.

How will my feedback be used?

All feedback submitted through the VIEWS platform will be carefully reviewed by the SPSC.  This valuable input will be used to refine and improve the strategic plan, ensuring it reflects the diverse needs and perspectives of the UOD community.

How can I stay informed about updates to the strategic plan?

We encourage you to visit this webpage regularly for updates and announcements.  You can also subscribe to the UOD newsletter to receive updates directly in your inbox.

How can I learn more about the details of the Strategic Plan?

The UOD Strategic Planning website serves as a central hub for information about the plan.  Here, you can find the full guidebook, detailed explanations of our goals and initiatives, and updates on the implementation process.  Certain sections of the guidebook require a UOD email login for access.